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After Hours Services

Is Your Pet Experiencing an Emergency?​​

Emergencies can happen at any time, day or night. That’s why All Creatures offers emergency services during and after our normal business hours. Whether your pet has a fracture, wound, or any other emergency, our doctors are here to help. Please contact us at 870-425-5175 to let us know the nature of your pet’s emergency so that we can be best prepared and/or provide you with helpful information over the phone.

What to Do If Your Pet Has an After-Hours Emergency​

Please contact us at 870-425-5175 to let us know the nature of your pet’s emergency so that we can be best prepared and/or provide you with helpful information over the phone. If you are calling after our normal business hours, All Creatures answering service will field your call and page the veterinarian on-call.

Common Signs of a Pet Emergency​

Below is a list of some of the most symptoms of pet emergencies that we encounter. If your pet ever exhibits any of these symptoms, it’s important to seek veterinary care immediately:

  • Seizures and/or staggering
  • Severe bleeding or bleeding that doesn’t stop within 5 minutes
  • Difficulty breathing or excessive coughing and gagging
  • Inability to urinate or pass stool/pain associated while urinating or passing stool
  • Eye injuries
  • Toxin Ingestion (food or chemical)
  • Inability to move leg(s)
  • Heatstroke
  • Severe vomiting or diarrhea
  • Bloating
  • Traumas